EY Y01 L07 America

Video Vocab :

This week’s Questions

  1. There are many famous landmarks in America, name one. Tell me two things you know about the landmark.
  2. There are many famous movie stars who live and work in America, name one. Tell me three things you know about the him/her.
  3. There are many famous companies that started in America, name one. Have you ever bought a product that was produced by this company? If yes, how was it? Why? If no, why not?
  4. Have you ever been to America? If yes, how was it? Why? If no, which state, city or region would you most like to visit? Why?
  5. Lifestyles in America can be different to lifestyles in Japan. Tell me one aspect of American life that you envy?
  6. Lifestyles in America can be different to lifestyles in Japan. Tell me one aspect of American life you are glad is common over there and not so common over here?

This week’s Responses

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Teacher’s Compositions

by Gordi Whitelaw

June 8, 2019

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by Jim Usher

May 23, 2019

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by Michael Kane

May 20, 2019

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by Jon Hay

May 2, 2019

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