EY Y01 L07 America

  1. There are many famous landmarks in America, name one. Tell me two things you know about the landmark.
  2. There are many famous movie stars who live and work in America, name one. Tell me three things you know about the him/her.
  3. There are many famous companies that started in America, name one. Have you ever bought a product that was produced by this company? If yes, how was it? Why? If no, why not?
  4. Have you ever been to America? If yes, how was it? Why? If no, which state, city or region would you most like to visit? Why?
  5. Lifestyles in America can be different to lifestyles in Japan. Tell me one aspect of American life that you envy?
  6. Lifestyles in America can be different to lifestyles in Japan. Tell me one aspect of American life you are glad is common over there and not so common over here?

Question 1

The "Old North Bridge" in Concord, Massachusetts. This historic location is in my hometown of Concord. It is where the first battle of independence took place in the Revolutionary War. America went on to gain independence from Britain and became the U.S.A. on July 4th 1776.

Question 2

Ben Affleck. Ben is from Boston, Massachusetts. He won an academy award for writing "Good Will Hunting" with Matt Damon. He has acted in and directed many Hollywood films. He was married to Jennifer Garner, but has since been divorced. He has entered rehabilitation many times for alcohol abuse. He has currently been sober for 10 months.

Question 3

New Balance sneakers. The original New Balance sneaker factory is in Boston, Massachusetts. When I return home, I usually buy sneakers for my family and I, as they are very cheap at the factory store.

Question 4

I am an American. I have been to all 48 continental U.S. states, but I have never been to Hawaii, or Alaska.

Question 5

Being an American, of course, I have no envy towards American culture.

Question 6

I think PDA. PDA is an acronym for public displays of affection. People in Japan are more discreet in public about showing affection for each other. I was a bartender in America for over twenty years, and when some couples got drunk at the bar they became overly affectionate. The phrase that we always used was "get a hotel". Another words get out of here and be affectionate somewhere else. If they were in Japan they could get a love hotel! haha!

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
acronym 頭字語 Tōjigo
continental コンチネンタル Konchinentaru
divorced 離婚 Rikon
