EY Y04 L06 The Beach
This week’s Questions

- There are many popular beaches in Japan. Name one. Which prefecture is it in? Have you ever been there? Why?
- There are a number of activities you can enjoy at the beach, such as swimming, surfing, fishing, snorkelling or building a sand castle. Tell us about a popular activity that you like to do at the beach.
- When was the last time you went to the beach? Where did you go? Who did you go with? How was it? Why?
- What do you look forward to most, or dread, about the summer?
- Have you ever been to a beach in another country? If yes, where did you go? How did it compare to the beaches in Japan? If no, tell us about a beach in another country that you would like to visit, and why you would like to go there.
- If a friend from another country was coming to visit Japan and they wanted to see the best beach in your region, which beach would you recommend? Why?
This week’s Responses
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