EY Y01 L03 Animals

Video Vocab : fingerprints= 指紋, indistinguishable=見分けがつかない, on occasion= たまに, crime scene=犯罪現場, Slug=ナメクジ, mammal=哺乳類, glacier=氷河, urine=尿, vocal chords=声帯

This week’s Questions

  1. Tell me about an animal that is native to, beloved in or closely associated with your country.
  2. Have you ever seen one in the wild? If yes, how? If no, why not?
  3. Do you have a pet or have you ever had a pet? If yes, tell me about that animal. If no, why not?
  4. Do you ever watch wildlife documentaries? If not, why not? If yes, tell us about an animal that you find impressive, shocking or fascinating.
  5. Have you ever been hurt or narrowly escaped being hurt by an animal? Tell us about it. If not, which animal scares you the most? Why?
  6. If you had unlimited time and money, of all the animals in the world, which would you most like to see in the wild? Why?

This week’s Responses

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Teacher’s Compositions

by Kamille Mercado

March 12, 2020

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Question 1

The national bird of the Philippines is the monkey-eating eagle. It's one of the largest type of eagles. It's so huge that its regular prey are monkeys! Its wingspan can reach over 2 meters!

Question 2

No, I've never seen on in the wild, but my parents and younger sister recently went to a nature reserve in Davao and were able to see one.

Question 3

Yes, I do, I have a shih tzu! He was originally a gift from my parents to my younger sister on her 7th birthday, but since she was too young to properly take care of him, I took care of him instead for many years. He's pretty fat but super cute and smart! He knows how to communicate with us and is very well-behaved at home. I miss him a lot.

Question 4

I used to watch wildlife documentaries all the time when I was a child. One of my favorite channels was the Discovery Channel, they always had such interesting shows. I think the most fascinating animal documentary I could remember was about the box jellyfish in Australia. They're extremely dangerous and the venom their stingers produce is one of the most poisonous in the world!

Question 5

It's really funny, but I have once been bitten by a shih tzu! My friend's shih tzu used to chase me whenever it saw me. One time it got out again and I didn't notice until it was too late and it bit me! I still loved dogs after that incident, I was just afraid of that one dog, haha! I can't stand snakes and cockroaches, though, I find them absolutely repulsive!

Question 6

I would love to see a Koala! They're so cute and cuddly.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
repulsive 汚らわしい

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by Gail Iwata

October 18, 2019

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Question 1

I am lucky to come from a country that has a large animal population. South Africa has over 300 mammal species and more than 800 bird species. If I have to pick one I will go with Giraffes. They are beautiful animals and always appear to be so laidback and relaxed. Giraffes have tongues that are bluish-purple in colour and about 45cm long! They are the tallest mammals in the world, averaging 4-5 meters in height.

Question 2

Yes, I have been fortunate to see many animals in the wild. My husband and I worked and lived on a wildlife reserve for 4 years and giraffe sightings were a daily occurrence for us.

Question 3

Yes, I currently have 3 cats. Tama is a 6 year old street cat we rescued while living in Dubai and she came with us to Japan. Tora, 2 1/2 years old and Kinako 14 years old are street cats we rescued while living in Okinawa. All 3 of them are now happily living with us in Kizugawa. My cats are all indoor cats and are not allowed to go outside.

Question 4

I have watched wildlife documentaries in the past but not in recent years. I love meerkats! They have such an amazing family structure and all members have jobs to do to help keep one another fed and safe. Sometimes the families join together to form a mob (community) and are led by the dominant female.

Question 5

When we lived on the nature reserve I came face to face with a spitting cobra in my lounge! Luckily I saw it in time and was able to get out of my house without being sprayed with venom. I had to call a game ranger to come and catch and release the snake in a safe area.

Question 6

Even though I come from South Africa where we have many wildlife reserves, I have not seen elephants or lions in the wild. The reserve where worked was not big enough for these animals. I would love to spend time watching elephants and lions in their natural habitat. Lions are magnificent animals and elephants are very intelligent and have amazing memories.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
wildlife reserve 禁漁区
mammal 哺乳類
structure 体質
laid back のんびり
sightings 目撃
occurrence 出来
habitat 生息地

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by Jim Usher

April 9, 2019

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Question 1

Australia has so many unique animals to choose from. If I have to pick one, I guess I'll go with the platypus. It looks like a cross between a beaver and a duck. It's a mammal but it lays eggs. It isn't aggressive but it's poisonous. What a crazy creature!

Question 2

No, I haven't. The platypus is very shy by nature. You'd be very lucky to see one in the wild. I have seen them when I've visited wildlife sanctuaries though.

Question 3

I don't have a pet now but my family always had dogs and cats when I was growing up. As an animal lover, I loved them all, but I spent the most time with my dog Floyd. He was awesome. Very clever, very loyal. He passed away shortly before I came to Japan.

Question 4

Yes, sometimes. I haven't seen a wildlife documentary for quite some time though. I think the octopus is a pretty impressive animal. They can change colour to camouflage themselves. They can fit through tiny spaces much smaller than you would believe. They can use tools and they are intelligent enough to solve mazes.

Question 5

I got scratched up pretty badly by one of my cats when I was about six or seven years old. We were having a family barbecue at our house and everyone brought their dogs. Long story short, the dogs chased after the cat and the cat ripped up my face when I tried to rescue him.

Question 6

I would like to see a pangolin in the wild. I know nothing about this animal but when I look at photos of them online, they look amazing. Like real-life Pokemon!

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
so many to choose from から選択するようにたくさん
if I have to pick one 私が1つ選ばなければならないならば
shy by nature 恥ずかしがり屋
wildlife sanctuary 野生動物保護区
pass away 亡くなる
not for quite some time しばらくの間ではありません
long story short 要するに
real-life 実生活

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by Jon Hay

April 8, 2019

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Question 1

New Zealand has many native animals especially birds. Instead of picking a bird I will pick a large insect instead which is called the weta. It is a large flightless cricket that is nocturnal and herbivorous. Weta's are some of the largest insects in the world.

Question 2

Yes, I have seen a wild weta once. I was on a class camping trip and we were walking in the forest when suddenly a giant weta jumped out of a bush and onto my friends head, then jumped back into the forest. To this day he does not believe that a weta jumped on him and he still thinks that someone smacked him on the head.

Question 3

Yes, I currently have a pug. His name is Jimi and he is 6 years old. I chose to name him after the famous American guitarist Jimi Hendrix. Pugs are friendly, love food and are very lazy.

Question 4

I used to watch wildlife documentaries when I was a child. I used to find the African wildlife documentaries interesting. I have not been watching wildlife documentaries as an adult as I have no time.

Question 5

I have never been seriously hurt by any animals but I accidentally stood on a dead jellyfish and got badly stung on the soles of my feet when I was a child.

Question 6

If I had enough time and money I would love to go on a African safari. I really want to see hippos, elephants, and lions. By the way - my useless animal fact is that hippo mothers have pink milk.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
nocturnal 夜行性
herbivorous 草食
smack someone 平手打ち
sting 刺す

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