EY Y01 L03 Animals

  1. Tell me about an animal that is native to, beloved in or closely associated with your country.
  2. Have you ever seen one in the wild? If yes, how? If no, why not?
  3. Do you have a pet or have you ever had a pet? If yes, tell me about that animal. If no, why not?
  4. Do you ever watch wildlife documentaries? If not, why not? If yes, tell us about an animal that you find impressive, shocking or fascinating.
  5. Have you ever been hurt or narrowly escaped being hurt by an animal? Tell us about it. If not, which animal scares you the most? Why?
  6. If you had unlimited time and money, of all the animals in the world, which would you most like to see in the wild? Why?

Question 1

The national bird of the Philippines is the monkey-eating eagle. It's one of the largest type of eagles. It's so huge that its regular prey are monkeys! Its wingspan can reach over 2 meters!

Question 2

No, I've never seen on in the wild, but my parents and younger sister recently went to a nature reserve in Davao and were able to see one.

Question 3

Yes, I do, I have a shih tzu! He was originally a gift from my parents to my younger sister on her 7th birthday, but since she was too young to properly take care of him, I took care of him instead for many years. He's pretty fat but super cute and smart! He knows how to communicate with us and is very well-behaved at home. I miss him a lot.

Question 4

I used to watch wildlife documentaries all the time when I was a child. One of my favorite channels was the Discovery Channel, they always had such interesting shows. I think the most fascinating animal documentary I could remember was about the box jellyfish in Australia. They're extremely dangerous and the venom their stingers produce is one of the most poisonous in the world!

Question 5

It's really funny, but I have once been bitten by a shih tzu! My friend's shih tzu used to chase me whenever it saw me. One time it got out again and I didn't notice until it was too late and it bit me! I still loved dogs after that incident, I was just afraid of that one dog, haha! I can't stand snakes and cockroaches, though, I find them absolutely repulsive!

Question 6

I would love to see a Koala! They're so cute and cuddly.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
repulsive 汚らわしい