EY Y04 L18 Chores

  1. There are many chores that need to be done every day around the house. Name one. What does this chore involve? Who does this chore in your home?
  2. In your home, which chore or chores are your responsibility? Are you diligent about doing it/ them? Why?
  3. Tell us about a chore that you don’t mind doing or even enjoy.
  4. Tell us about a chore that you absolutely hate doing. Why do you hate it?
  5. What chores did you have to do around the house when you were a child? Were chores harder or were parents stricter or both?
  6. Do you think children should be made to help out around the house? If yes, how can you make them do it? If no, why not?

Question 1

One every day chore is washing the dishes. After we cook or eat something we should at least rinse off the dishes or utensils to make them easier to wash when it is time to do the dishes. We should wash everything as soon as possible. I do this chore in my home.

Question 2

In my home I do all of my chores because I live alone. I am pretty good about getting them done and keeping the apartment clean. I keep my home clean because cleanliness is important to me. If my space is messy or dirty I feel stressed.

Question 3

I enjoy keeping the floor clean because I often walk around barefoot and it bothers me if something gets stuck to my foot like dust or hair. Having a clean floor makes me feel clean, as well. I also like having fresh laundry, especially blankets. They smell so good once they are dry.

Question 4

I don't really hate any chores now that I live alone. The only time chores bothered me was when I lived with a messy person. I don't like cleaning up after other people. I guess I used to hate washing the dishes at that time.

Question 5

When I was young I helped with dusting around the house or washing the dishes. It was also my responsibility to clean my bedroom. I don't think my parents were too strict. I think it's a good thing to teach children about taking care of their things early on. It provided a strong foundation and now I feel good about doing these things on my own.

Question 6

Yes, I do think children should help out around the house. Because of my positive experience I believe many, if not all children would benefit from learning about responsibility. It's not really about "making" them do it. If it is just a normal routine from the start there is no pressure involved. It is important to teach these habits with positive reinforcement.

Tough Vocabulary