EY Y04 L17 Kyoto

  1. Tell us about the last time you went to Kyoto. What did you do?
  2. Was it good? Why?
  3. There are many famous landmarks and tourist attractions in Kyoto city. Name one. Tell us a little about it.
  4. Who is this landmarks or attraction popular with? Why?
  5. Tell us about an annual event that you can see or participate in while visiting Kyoto. Have you ever attended? If yes, how was it? Why? If no, would you like to attend? Why or why not?
  6. Kyoto and Osaka are the most famous cities in Kansai. Tell us about how they are different.

Question 1

The last time I went to Kyoto was in 2019. My father was visiting Japan, so I took him sightseeing. It was very easy to go there from my house in Osaka. I lived on the Hankyu line, so we visited the Pokemon Center before visiting some famous temples and shrines.

Question 2

It was very good because my father really enjoys going to new places and trying new food. We ate ramen for dinner.

Question 3

Kenninji is a famous temple in Kyoto. It is my favorite temple because it is the oldest zen temple in Japan and I think it has the most beautiful features. The dragons painted on the ceiling, the Fuujin and Raijin byoubu, and the zen rock garden are among the many beautiful things you can see there.

Question 4

Kenninji, like many other temples in Kyoto, is very popular with both tourists and local people. The reason is obvious when you visit. It is such a beautiful place to visit. I always want to show my visiting friends and family members.

Question 5

Every year in May there is an event called Yabusame Shinji, or horseback archery. I have never been to this event, but I would really love to go someday. It would be extremely exciting to have archers on horses rush by while shooting arrows at their targets.

Question 6

I think Kyoto and Osaka are extremely different. Osaka is a much bigger city with tons of large buildings and malls. Downtown is always crowded not only with tourists, but many locals who are just going through their routine. Kyoto is a smaller and much more humble city. They don't have so many large buildings and they keep the architecture simple yet sophisticated to match the local culture. It is crowded, but the crowd feels a lot different because there are more tourists than locals.

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