EY Y04 L13 Neighbors

  1. Tell us about your closest neighbor. What do they do? Do you know them well? Why?
  2. Do you like living in your neighborhood? Why?
  3. Who in your apartment block or neighborhood are you closest to? How did you get to know them?
  4. Why do you like them?
  5. Tell us about a dispute in your neighborhood that some of your neighbors have had or that you have had with a neighbor. What happened? Is it resolved?
  6. Are neighborhood ties in Japan getting stronger or weaker compared to the last generation? Why do you think that is?

Question 1

My closest neighbor is my upstairs neighbor. Our apartments are on the end of the building and their door is next to mine. Mine is the last. They are a family with two young children, a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. I have met them a couple of times. I introduced myself to the mother when I moved in and gave her some cookies from Osaka. I told her she could talk to me anytime, but she doesn't seem interested in it. She is a housewife, but I don't know what her husband does. He's always gone.

Question 2

I do like my neighborhood because it is quiet and peaceful. I can sleep soundly at night because of the minimal noise. I often wake up to the sound of birdsong, which makes me feel amazing. I love to have my morning coffee while listening to them. I suppose the birds are my favorite neighbors!

Question 3

Unfortunately I don't know anyone in my neighborhood yet. After I moved in I became busy and there haven't been any local events. I hope to make some friends soon.

Question 4


Question 5

It's not a dispute, but I sometimes feel annoyed at my upstairs neighbors because they are very noisy. The kids are constantly running back and forth around the apartment. The building is made of wood, so it's very loud and sometimes I get surprised by loud bangs. It's like I have pro wrestlers upstairs! They also scream a lot. I never complain, but it's very tiring on weekends. I just have to wait for them to grow up, I guess.

Question 6

I think neighborhood ties are definitely weaker. I think technology plays a big role in this. We tend to stay inside more, so we don't socialize outside with our neighbors. I also think it's because many mothers have to work now, so they simply don't have the time.

Tough Vocabulary