EY Y04 L12 Cancelling Plans

  1. When was the last time you had to suddenly cancel a holiday, trip, excursion or social event? What happened?
  2. Tell us about a time when someone cancelled on you. What happened?
  3. Do you cancel your plans often and easily or do you stick to your social schedules even when you are tired or sick?
  4. Tell us about something you had to cancel or stop doing during the COVID pandemic.
  5. Tell us about a time when you have had to give an excuse that was not entirely truthful or tell us about a time when you heard an excuse where you thought "that is probably a lie!” Your example can include something someone said on TV.
  6. Tell us about a family, school, club, social event or work event that you wish you could cancel or avoid but have to attend. Why is it so bad?

Question 1

Last May, I scheduled a trip to Awaji island with my husband. I wanted to see some museums there and also drop by my friend's house. She lives in Hyogo so I thought it would be worthwhile to catch up with her. Unfortunately, there was an urgent change of plans when my husband was requested to go to Tokyo, a day after our supposed trip. We decided to cancel our travel plans since he had to leave early the next morning for his business trip.

Question 2

I rarely meet-up with anyone nowadays since all my friends live in the Philippines or in other countries. We sometimes schedule video calls though. Deciding on the ideal time to start the video call is a bit tricky since we live in different time zones. Sometimes we have to cancel it last minute because they have to work overtime or a business meeting is running late.

Question 3

Since the pandemic started, I don't think it's a noble idea to push through with plans if you are feeling under the weather. It's best to be cautious and just politely cancel ahead of time.

Question 4

In 2020, my friend's father died from a heart attack and I was apprehensive whether I should visit the funeral since it was during the peak of the pandemic. It's a 3-hour bus ride to visit their house and all public transportation was restricted that time. There were also a lot of check-points set-up since local travel was limited. My friend was very understanding and agreed it was best that we don't visit and risk ourselves of getting exposed to the virus.

Question 5

I have a friend who consistently shows up late in any event or even a casual meeting that we go to. We used to make jokes about it. At some point I confronted her that it's getting on my nerves because I'm getting the impression that she does not value other people's time. She apologized and promised to arrive earlier next time. She was still late in our succeeding meetings and we just decided to be more tolerant of her behaviour.

Question 6

When I was a practicing architect, we had monthly seminars with other architects. In this seminar, we have product demos of new building materials from suppliers or we review revised building codes. It is generally educational but in most cases, I get nervous socializing with key players in our industry.

Tough Vocabulary