EY Y04 L09 Games

  1. There are many kinds of games that people like to play, such as video games, board games, card games, playground games, gambling games and sports. Tell us about a game that is popular in Japan. Do you play that game? Why?
  2. What was your favorite game when you were a child? Tell us about it.
  3. Do you still play any games now? If yes, what games do you usually play? Who with? If no, why not?
  4. Are you are competitive person? Why do you think that?
  5. Tell us about an interesting game or sport that is popular abroad but not common in Japan.
  6. Do you think video games are harmful to children? Why?

Question 1

Japan is a haven for videogamers with company giants like Nintendo, Square Enix, Bandai, Capcom and Sega. In 2020, I got obsessed with playing Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch. It's a pretty laidback game and I could enjoy playing it for hours.

Question 2

I was into Lego toys when I was a child. I remembered I had to beg my mother to buy me the whole set. I built model houses and structures with the Lego blocks. Looking back, it's probably one of the factors that influenced me to be an architect.

Question 3

I still have some RPGs on my pc but I rarely have time to play it nowadays. Whenever I hang out with my friends, we just play some card games. If we are lounging indoors we sometimes play some video games too. A quick mario cart race is never a bad idea to get some laughs.

Question 4

I can be competitive if there's a valuable prize involved. Some people get too obsessed with winning just for the sake of bragging rights. I guess it always depends on the event. If it's just a party game then I wouldn't mind losing as long as everyone is having fun.

Question 5

Cockfighting is a very popular sport in the Philippines. In rural areas, most adult men spend their Sunday afternoons in an arena or pit where they bet on fighting roosters. My father and uncles were avid fans of this sport that they even have a large farm to raise roosters for fighting.

Question 6

It depends on the type of vdeogame. Some videogames can hone the creativity of kids and also teach them other essential life skills. As long as it doesn't encourage violence and they play it moderately then it's not too harmful for them.

Tough Vocabulary