EY Y04 L05 Personal Grooming

  1. How much time do you spend grooming yourself before you can leave the house? Tell us about your morning or evening grooming routine.
  2. How often do you get a haircut? Do you spend a lot of money on grooming products? Why?
  3. Do you do anything to take care of your skin? If yes, what products do you use and why? If no, why not?
  4. Tell us about the last time you had a bad hair day, a wardrobe malfunction or when you felt underdressed. What happened?
  5. When you groom yourself, do you put in more effort depending on where yoʼure going or who yoʼure seeing? If yes, please explain what you do differently for different situations. If no, why not?
  6. Tell us the last time you noticed someone who you felt was well-groomed or badly-groomed (if you can't think of a real-world example, you can describe a celebrity on TV). What had they got right or got wrong?

Question 1

I don't really think about it much, but probably about five minutes. I put in my contact lenses so I can see, quickly brush my hair and clip it up, then I'm good to go. I don't wear or even own any makeup. I was never interested in it. I always wear jeans and a t-shirt, so I don't really have to think about what to wear on a regular day. I only wake up early because I like to relax for a while and have coffee before I go outside.

Question 2

I usually get a haircut about once every two years. Since I put my hair up it doesn't really matter how long it gets. I got a haircut in summer 2018 and had planned on getting one in 2020, but because of coronavirus I didn't want to risk it. I didn't get a haircut until fall 2021 after I had been vaccinated. My hair was extremely long by that time. It has actually gone past my waist several times. I don't think I spend a lot of money on grooming products because I don't buy very many. My shampoo is a little expensive, I guess. I like to use organic shampoo, toothpaste, and body soap. Even my hand soap is free of additives, scents, and colors. I believe that by using natural and organic products we can slow the aging process of our skin.

Question 3

I occasionally use face cream before bed, maybe a few times a month. It smells very nice and makes my skin smooth. I started to use it after I turned 30 years old to slow down wrinkles. If I have dry hands I use organic lotion. If I will be outside in the sun for a long time I wear organic sunscreen. I recently found one that smells like lavender and I love it.

Question 4

I always wear the same thing, so I can't really say I have had any trouble. If I get frustrated with clothing it's usually when I am shopping and can't find what I want.

Question 5

The only thing that changes is how formal my clothing is. If I am going to work I will be more careful about my appearance. If I am just shopping or meeting friends I am always casual.

Question 6

Since I am a pretty casual person I don't often judge people. It does surprise me if I see people wearing pajamas in a public place. It was a bit common in my hometown, but it is very rare in Japan. I personally keep indoor and outdoor clothing separate because I like to keep my living space very clean.

Tough Vocabulary