EY Y04 L05 Personal Grooming

  1. How much time do you spend grooming yourself before you can leave the house? Tell us about your morning or evening grooming routine.
  2. How often do you get a haircut? Do you spend a lot of money on grooming products? Why?
  3. Do you do anything to take care of your skin? If yes, what products do you use and why? If no, why not?
  4. Tell us about the last time you had a bad hair day, a wardrobe malfunction or when you felt underdressed. What happened?
  5. When you groom yourself, do you put in more effort depending on where yoʼure going or who yoʼure seeing? If yes, please explain what you do differently for different situations. If no, why not?
  6. Tell us the last time you noticed someone who you felt was well-groomed or badly-groomed (if you can't think of a real-world example, you can describe a celebrity on TV). What had they got right or got wrong?

Question 1

In the morning I brush my teeth for about 2 or 3 minutes, swish mouthwash for about a minutes, then shave for 2 or 3 minutes. In total it takes 10 minutes for me to get ready in the morning. In the evening I brush my teeth, swish mouthwash, and take a shower for about 10 minutes. My evening routine lasts for about 15 minutes.

Question 2

As I am bald, I do not have much hair to cut. I shave my head with electric clippers every 1 to 2 weeks. I do not spend much money on grooming products.

Question 3

I apply sunscreen in summer and nothing in winter.

Question 4

My family went to a memorial service for my wife's grandmother who passed away last year. My wife said it was a casual event but I did not believe her so I wore black pants with a dress shirt, but no tie. As it turned out, all her relatives were wearing formal attire apart from her and a little bit me.

Question 5

I seldom change my grooming routine. I might trim my beard if I am going somewhere where I will not be wearing my mask though.

Question 6

I remember a co-worker's hairstyle choice was not appropriate for his job. He did not want to change it and this reflected in this attitude with other aspects of his job.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
swish mouthwash チュウレンジャー
bald 禿げ
electric clippers 電気バリカン
apply sunscreen サンスクリーンを塗る
memorial service 弔祭
passed away しにました
a casual event さりげない催し
wearing formal attire はれぎぬをきせる
seldom change 殆んど変わらない