EY Y03 L33 Dads

  1. Tell us about a celebrity from your country who is famous for being a dad. Do you like that person? Why?
  2. It requires many strengths to be a good dad. Name one. Do you have that strength? Why?
  3. What is/was your dad’s name? Is he still with us? If so, how old is he and what does he do? If not, when did he pass? How old was he when he died?
  4. Was your father around a lot when you were growing up? Did he spend a lot of time with you? Was he strict with you or was he more easy-going?
  5. How would you describe your father’s personality? In what ways are you and your dad alike? Do/Did you get along well with him? Why?
  6. Tell us about a time when your dad was there for you when you really needed someone.

Question 1

Rugby players are huge celebrities in New Zealand and many have family interviews for women magazines.

Question 2

I think patience is important. I have patience but to a point. I will not let my children do whatever they want as it can be dangerous or rude.

Question 3

My father's name is David, he is 71, and retired.

Question 4

My father was around and he used to take me to watch rugby games at the local stadium.

Question 5

He is fairly calm, but very "black or white". Things are correct or incorrect. We get along fairly well despite him being the strong silent type.

Question 6

I think when I first broke my left ankle. He was calm and took me to the hospital while my mother was arguing that it was only a sprain. My mother was very wrong.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
women magazines 女性誌
to a point 枠がある
black or white 正否
strong silent type 強静音タイプ