EY Y03 L33 Dads

  1. Tell us about a celebrity from your country who is famous for being a dad. Do you like that person? Why?
  2. It requires many strengths to be a good dad. Name one. Do you have that strength? Why?
  3. What is/was your dad’s name? Is he still with us? If so, how old is he and what does he do? If not, when did he pass? How old was he when he died?
  4. Was your father around a lot when you were growing up? Did he spend a lot of time with you? Was he strict with you or was he more easy-going?
  5. How would you describe your father’s personality? In what ways are you and your dad alike? Do/Did you get along well with him? Why?
  6. Tell us about a time when your dad was there for you when you really needed someone.

Question 1

While no one comes to mind directly, there's a Japanese musician called "Miyavi" who's pretty famous for being a good dad. I like his style and out-of-the-ordinary personality. He's very famous but prioritizes his family before anything else; I respect him for that.

Question 2

One strength that I think is absolutely essential is patience. I think I've become more patient over the past year by teaching people of various ages. Without patience, one wouldn't go far in making their children grow in positive ways.

Question 3

Since I can't disclose my dad's full name, let's just call him W.S. He's in his 50s and he owns several businesses. His main business deals with gold mining and jewelry, however, he recently branches out to automobile and fast-casual dining services.

Question 4

He spent a lot of time with my sister and me when we were growing up. Although he's super busy, he still allocates some time during the holidays to take us to different countries. His personality is rather strict but that's just his way of expressing how he loves us.

Question 5

I would say he's a very principled and determined person. We are both goal-oriented and would never stop until we reach that goal that we've set in the first place.

Question 6

While my mom had to go abroad for an event, my dad stayed home with me and cooked me his special fried rice. I was surprised to see him do this since he had other pressing things to attend to. I was still 10 years old at that time and wouldn't know what to do if he didn't stay home and take care of me.

Tough Vocabulary