EY Y03 L26 Birthdays

  1. When is your birthday? What season were you born in? Do you like the time of year that your birthday falls or do you wish you had been born at a different time of year?
  2. How do people in your country typically celebrate birthdays? Is this how you usually celebrate your birthday? Why?
  3. How did you celebrate your last birthday? Who did you celebrate it with? What did you do? What did you eat? If you don’t celebrate your birthday, tell us about the last party you attended. What was the party for?
  4. What was the best birthday present you ever received? Which birthday was it for? Who was it from? Do you still have the present? If you don’t celebrate your birthday, tell us about the best gift you ever received. What was the occasion?
  5. In Japan, you are legally considered an adult once you become 20 years old. How did you celebrate turning 20? Did you do anything special to mark the occasion? If you haven’t turned 20 yet, how do you plan to celebrate that milestone?
  6. In Japan, special significance is placed on a person’s 60th birthday, known as kanreki. There are many customs observed during such celebrations. Tell us about one of them and why it is a part of kanreki.

Question 1

My birthday is in March. I was born in spring as I was born in the UK. However, this is autumn in NZ and the beginning of the school year which runs from February to November / December. It is an ok season to be born in as the weather is cooler but still sunny outside. I guess a negative is that it is the beginning of the school year.

Question 2

Most people have a home party for their kids and their friends and family. Lots of games are played and a cake is almost always the centerpiece of the party.

Question 3

I cannot remember my last birthday, I think I ate KFC with my family.

Question 4

The best present I received was a trip to watch an international cricket match. My father does not like cricket much but he took me for my birthday as he knew that I liked it a lot.

Question 5

In New Zealand the legal age is 18. I remember I went to a bar and had a few drinks with a few mates.

Question 6

I had never heard of kanreki before today. After a quick Google search I found that kanreki has a banquet-style meal! That sounds fantastic!

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
which runs from から実行されます
centerpiece of the party パーティーの目玉
a few mates 友人数名