EY Y03 L05 Working Remotely

  1. The COVID19 crisis of 2020 and 2021 forced a lot of people to work from home for the first time. Tell us one occupation where people quickly and easily adjusted to working from home in Japan.
  2. There are many advantages to working from home. Name one.
  3. There are a lot of disadvantages to working from home. Name one.
  4. Are you employed? If yes, how many people and companies in your profession worked from home during the crisis? Was this a large proportion of workers? Why or why not? If no, do you know of anyone who had to suddenly work or study from home? Was working or studying at home easy for them? Why?
  5. Have you ever worked from home? If yes, how was it? If no, would you like to? Why?
  6. Do you believe that lifestyles and the way people work in Japan will change significantly as a result of the pandemic? If yes, will this be a change for the better? Why? If no, do you think working from home will become common in other countries? Where? Is this a change for the better? Why?

Question 1

I think people working in the IT industry could adjust easily and could work from home.

Question 2

I read somewhere that productivety increases when a person works from home.

Question 3

It can be difficult to work if you have a young family that is also at home.

Question 4

Yes, I think almost all the English schools, at least, attemped to work and provide lessons remotely.

Question 5

I cannot work from home, especially at the moment as I have a young family.

Question 6

No, I do not think work procedures will change in Japan, but I think they will change in other countries. Japan can be a little slow to change long established routines.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
productivity 生産性
long established routines 長く続いているルーチン