EY Y02 L41 Art

  1. Do you have any art, posters or photos on your walls at home? If yes, tell us about it. If no, why not?
  2. Were you any good at art at school? Are you creative now? Tell us about a time you have made something artistic or creative (an interior, a sketch, a cake, a photo, a painting, a model, a cartoon, a publication etc.)
  3. Art exhibitions and museums can be interesting or really really dull. Tell us about a time when you visited an art museum or went to an exhibition. Where did you go? When? What did you see? Was it good? Why?
  4. Who is your favorite artist (they can be a musician, singer, painter, sculptor, chef, architect, designer, director, actor, performer photographer or novelist)? What in your opinion is their best work?
  5. How did you ‘discover’ this artist (what/who introduced you to them)?
  6. Is there a period or movement in fine art that interests you (for example; Surrealism, Pop Art, Impressionism, Expressionism, Baroque, Cubism, Minimalism, Art Nouveau)? If yes, tell us about it and why you like it. If not, why has art or art history never inspired or interested you?

Question 1

My apartment is filled with light art. I have been obsessed with neon lights and color-changing lightbulbs that I can change depending on my mood or activity. I don't have any posters or photos that I put up on my apartment walls as they make my space look smaller. A big mirror, on the other hand, makes my home look more spacious and airy. I have an electric blue neon light of my name that I put up on my wall as it adds more personality to my living room.

Question 2

I was particularly good at music at school. I used to be the leader of my high school's rock band and we competed in various competitions. Winning several of those competitions made me dream of being a famous rock star one day. Too bad our band split up after we graduated and I was so sad that we weren't able to stay in touch.

Question 3

The last time I visited an art museum was a long time ago; perhaps more than 10 years ago. It was in Singapore and I honestly did not have a lot of interest in art. We went there on a school trip and I don't even remember what the significance of that trip was.

Question 4

I'm sure everyone knows how much I love and adore Lady Gaga. In my opinion, 'The Fame Monster' and 'Born This Way' are two of Lady Gaga's best albums. She really expressed her true identity and the things that she has gone through by the way of music. I got fixated on her ever since I was in middle school.

Question 5

'Pokerface' was one of the very first music videos that I have seen in my life. The video itself is a form of art and I couldn't stop replaying it. My dad took me to one of her concerts and I became even more obsessed with her. Lady Gaga's principles, beliefs, and way of seeing life made me have faith in myself and in the skills that I have.

Question 6

I have never been interested in fine arts as music is the only art that resonates with my personality. I believe it is due to the fact that I'm an auditory person than a visual one.

Tough Vocabulary