EY Y02 L41 Art

  1. Do you have any art, posters or photos on your walls at home? If yes, tell us about it. If no, why not?
  2. Were you any good at art at school? Are you creative now? Tell us about a time you have made something artistic or creative (an interior, a sketch, a cake, a photo, a painting, a model, a cartoon, a publication etc.)
  3. Art exhibitions and museums can be interesting or really really dull. Tell us about a time when you visited an art museum or went to an exhibition. Where did you go? When? What did you see? Was it good? Why?
  4. Who is your favorite artist (they can be a musician, singer, painter, sculptor, chef, architect, designer, director, actor, performer photographer or novelist)? What in your opinion is their best work?
  5. How did you ‘discover’ this artist (what/who introduced you to them)?
  6. Is there a period or movement in fine art that interests you (for example; Surrealism, Pop Art, Impressionism, Expressionism, Baroque, Cubism, Minimalism, Art Nouveau)? If yes, tell us about it and why you like it. If not, why has art or art history never inspired or interested you?

Question 1

Yes, I have some photos of my children on the wall.

Question 2

No, I was hopeless at art at school. I am a little creative with cooking. For example, I like to fuse two different cuisines such as Mexican and Italian to make Mexican pasta.

Question 3

I went to an art exhibition in Tennoji a few years ago. It was really interesting and I really enjoyed it.

Question 4

My favorite artists are mostly rock musicans and authors. I think my favorite is George Orwell, his books are very clever and interesting.

Question 5

I first heard of George Orwell through my high school English classes.

Question 6

I do not know much about art nor am I a fan of any particular fine art era.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
hopeless 絶望的
fuse ヒューズ
cuisine 料理
era 年代