EY Y02 L35 Whodunnits

  1. Do you like ‘whodunnits’ - works of fiction where a body is found and the main storyline is the search (usually by a detective) for the culprit? Why?
  2. There are many famous fictional detectives from Japanese manga, TV shows, movies and novels. Name one. Describe this character.
  3. There are many famous fictional detectives from Western TV shows, movies and novels. Name one. Describe this character.
  4. Tell me about a ‘whodunnit’ you have seen or read. It can be a manga, a TV show, a movie or a novel. What is the basic storyline?
  5. Did you think it was good? Why?
  6. Do you think that you have the skills of deduction and perception it would require to make a good detective? Could you work out 'whodunnit'!? Why?

Question 1

Yes, I like whodunnit TV shows shows because it slowly builds over a number of shows. Whodunnit movies usually reveal the killer fairly quickly and without surprise. While, there are some very good whodunnit TV shows that build perfectly and/or surprise the view with who the killer is.

Question 2

My favorite TV show is True Dectective. I could not predict who the killer was.

Question 3

I think Kevin Spacey's character in The Usual Suspects is famous. He appears very quiet, calm, and unassuming. I will not spoil the ending, but it is surprising how his character is involved.

Question 4

True Dectective is a slow-burning crime drama starring Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey who are dectectives hunting a killer.

Question 5

It was fantastic. It was how I would imagine a real crime investigation would work.

Question 6

I am not sure if I could be a good dectective. Maybe I would be good as part of a team with only a small role to play.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
reveal 露わにする
unassuming 控え目
slow-burning 緩慢燃焼