EY Y02 L24 Children

  1. Do you have children? If yes, tell us about each one (name, age, occupation, character). If no, how many brothers and sisters do you have? What do they do?
  2. In Japan, many people in Tokyo only have one child but in the countryside 2, 3 or 4 kids is common. What, to you, is the ideal number? Why?
  3. In Japan, for many centuries, it used to be that male babies were preferred. Why do you think that was?
  4. These days, women are more likely to hope it is a girl. Why do you think that is?
  5. Tell us about what a ‘hikkikomori’ is. What causes these cases?
  6. If a friend told you they were expecting a child, what advice would you give them? What is it really important to teach kids to be or do or think?

Question 1

Yes, I have two children. Kouki is 20 months old and Sophie is 3 months old. They don't have an occupation other than eating, sleeping, playing and sometimes crying. Kouki is very expressive at home but can be apprehensive in new situations. Sophie appears to be much more tranquil than Kouki was at the same age.

Question 2

I think two is a good number. One each to replace my wife and I when we die. Anymore will over burden the planet.

Question 3

I think because in those days males were the main bread winners and a woman's job was to stay at home and look after the household.

Question 4

I think that nowadays the sexes are closer to being equal, although I feel that they are not completely equal yet.

Question 5

Hikkikomori is a person, usually male, who avoids social interactions and contact. I think Japan has a very dense population, espeically in the cities. This may cause some people to retreat into their own space thus shutting out the outside world.

Question 6

The advice I would give is - all kids fall over and cry, so, don't get too worried. I think it is important to teach children to try new things without fear of failure.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
apprehensive 危惧
tranquil のどか
bread winner 一人雇い
