EY Y02 L18 Manga

  1. Within the world of manga, there are many genres. Name one. Do you like reading that kind of manga? Why?
  2. There are many famous manga artists in Japan. Tell us about one of them. What title or titles did he/she write? Why is his/her work so popular do you think?
  3. Tell us the title of a manga that has become a popular TV show or movie. Was the adaptation any good? Why?
  4. When you were a child, what was your favorite manga? Who wrote it? What was it about? Why did you like it?
  5. Tell us the name of a famous manga character. Describe him/her/it. Describe what they do in the story.
  6. Graphic novels exist across the world but sales in other countries are far lower per capita than they are in Japan. Why is the medium of the graphic novel so popular in Japan compared to other countries?

Question 1

One of the most popular genres that has been trending recently is dark fantasy/adventure manga. Demon slayer (鬼滅の刃) belongs to that cateogry. I have never read it before but the anime is definitely on my all-time favorites list.

Question 2

Hayao Miyazaki is one of the most renowned manga artists in Japan. He has successfully made manga and movies that became internationally known. One of his most popular works of manga is Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (風の谷のナウシカ). He is a very imaginative person who knows how to capture people's attention.

Question 3

I can't answer this question without talking about Demon Slayer! The manga of Demon Slayer was written by Koyoharu Gotoge back in 2016. The anime became an international sensation after Netflix made an adaptation of the manga. I have never read the manga, but I heard that it is more detailed than the anime and movie that was just released last month.

Question 4

I can't remember why I particularly liked this manga but I used to read a lot of Crayon Shin-chan. It was written by Yoshito Usui back in the early 1990s. It's about a little boy named "Shin" who lives with his family. Apparently, it is based on a true story of a 5-year-old, Shinnosuke Nohara, who died in a car accident when he was just 5.

Question 5

Shin-chan is a very well known character in the manga world. He has a unique personality and sometimes interact in a funny way with his family members. He also has a speech pattern that many kids still follow up until today.

Question 6

I think it is one of the many ways for people to escape reality. Some of my Japanese friends told me that they're enduring a lot of stress from school (or work) and they need some sort of stress-relieve. Graphic novel is one of the ways for people to temporarily "escape" from their current world and "live" in the author's imagination.

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