EY Y02 L15 Australia

  1. There are many famous places in Australia. Name one. Tell us a little about that landmark or place.
  2. In sports, music, TV and movies there are many Australians who are famous in Japan and around the world. Name one. Tell us about where they are from, how they became famous and why they are popular.
  3. Have you ever been to Australia? If yes, was it a good experience? Why? If no, where in Australia would you like to go and what would you like to do?
  4. Tell us one way in which life in Australia is better than life in Japan.
  5. Tell us one way in which life in Australia is more problematic than life in Japan.
  6. If you were given the opportunity to live in, study in or retire to Australia, would you go? Why?

Question 1

The Sydney Opera House.Construction began March 2nd, 1952.The final cost was 102 million dollars. It was largely funded by a State Lottery. More than 11 million people visit the opera house every year.

Question 2

Nicole Kidman. She is a famous actor who was once married to Tom Cruise. She considers herself an Australian-American because she was born in Hawaii. She is a highly skilled and awarded actress. She won Golden Globe awards and many Primetime Emmy Awards.

Question 3

I have never been to Australia because it is very far from Boston. I have always wanted to go to the Australian Open tennis tournament. It's held in Melbourne in late January to early February. It is summertime in Australia then and it is very hot.

Question 4

I think people are more open to expression in Australia. May of my Aussie friends have lots of tattoos. I think that the music scene is very interesting.

Question 5

It's hard for me to assume, because I've never been there. I'm guessing that there aren't as many trains for transportation and I'm sure that the convenience stores there are nothing like here in Japan.

Question 6

I would like to live there, but not retire there. My native language is English. I would be able to communicate with people freely. That would be nice. It's frustrating sometimes here in Japan when I can't communicate with people.

Tough Vocabulary


  1. Jim Usher

    You’d think communication would be easier in Australia but you might be surprised. I know a lot of Americans that have trouble with both the Aussie accent and Aussie slang. You might find yourself wishing for the days you were living in Japan!