EY Y02 L11 Convenience Stores

  1. When was the last time you bought something from a convenience store? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  2. Where was the convenience store? Was it your first time using that store?
  3. Which chain was it (7-11, Lawson, Family Mart etc.)? Is this your preferred chain? Why?
  4. What do you buy from the convenience store the most often? What other services, if any, at the convenience store do you use or find useful (ATM, parcel services, ticketing services etc.)?
  5. Would you like to work at a convenience store? Why?
  6. Is living in a country where you can work and shop at all times of the day and all days of the week convenient or unhealthy?

Question 1

Yesterday, I bought a tall can of Strong Zero double lemon chu-hi. I can't remember exactly how much it cost but I know it was less than ¥200.

Question 2

It was the 7-Eleven next to the pachinko parlour by Yagi station. It was neither my first time visiting a 7-Eleven nor my first time visiting that particular 7-Eleven.

Question 3

As I said above, it was the 7-Eleven near Yagi station. It is one of my preferred convenience stores. They have a pretty decent range of goods, from snacks and drinks to ready-made meals and cooking ingredients. Their prices are often lower than their competitors too, though only by a couple of yen. There aren't many 7-Elevens near my house though. FamilyMart is probably the chain I frequent the most in Osaka. Honestly though, any konbini will do!

Question 4

It would either be something for lunch during the work week or alcohol after work. I don't really use the other services at the convenience store, unless you count the rest room!

Question 5

Hell no. Ungodly hours. Rude customers. Low salary. Being on my feet all day. No breakroom. I'm sure there are a dozen more reasons why working in a convenience store is a terrible idea but you get the point. I mean no disrespect to anyone who is currently working at a convenience store, and I appreciate the service you provide, but I'm sure you agree with all I've said.

Question 6

It's probably both convenient and unhealthy. Being able to run out and grab a light bulb or a pack of diapers at two in the morning because it absolutely can not wait is great. That said, I'm sure we all make a lot more frivilous purchases as a result of being able to shop twenty-four seven. And we are more inclined to eat bad foods because they are cheap, easy to prepare, and widely available.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
pachinko parlour パチンコ店
decent range まともな範囲
ready-made 既製
competitor 競合他社
frequent 来付ける
rest room お手洗い
hell no ありえない
ungodly ひどい
breakroom 休憩室
get the point 理解する
I mean no disrespect 私は無礼を意味しない
frivilous 無意味な
be more inclined になりやすい