EY Y02 L09 Pandemic!

  1. Diseases like SARS, MERS, Influenza, Swine Flu, Whooping Cough, Measles, Smallpox and Rubella have what are called "vectors" - ways in which they are easily spread because people are doing something or not doing something. Name a vector (a way in which disease spreads).
  2. There have been many famous pandemics in the 20th and 21st centuries. Name one. Which countries were affected? Do you know approximately how many people died?
  3. When was the most recent pandemic affecting Japan? What happened? Were you nervous? Why?
  4. During this latest outbreak, what precautions did you take? Do you think it was meaningful to do this? Why?
  5. What did you see other people at work, on TV or locally doing that surprised you?
  6. Do you think the most recent pandemic was managed well? Why?

Question 1

I think that coughing and sneezing are the most common vectors. I watched a video that showed small particals from someone sneezing that lingered in the air for 15 minutes.

Question 2

The Spanish Flu of 1918.It mostly affected the U.S., France, Germany and the U.K. An estimated 20 to 50 million people died. It was named the Spanish Flu becaue of the death of King Alfonso XII, but ironically Spain wasn't affected as badly as the mentioned countries.

Question 3

Covid 19 is happening now and will probably continue for months or years unless they can create a vaccine. In January 2020 reports from Wuhan, China came out about a new deadly virus that was spreading quickly. It has spread all over the world and has changed everything. Life as we know it has completely changed. 113,000 people in America have died. America has the most fatalities of any other country. There haven't been many cases in Nara, so I feel pretty safe.

Question 4

At first, I didn"t wear a mask, but now I wear a mask everyday. I have always been diligent about washing my hands. We have to be careful teaching and being around many children and adults daily.

Question 5

I was surprised when I saw many college age students in America gather for Spring break in April. They were not being careful or wearing masks. They gathered in large numbers on the beach and the virus was spread.

Question 6

I don"t think that it was handled well at all. There are many repors that China knew about the virus prior to announcing it to the public. When it got out of hand it spread rapidly. America handled it the worst and that is why they have the most fatalities.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
particles 粒子
coughing せき
sneezing くしゃみ
ironically 皮肉なことに
diligent 勤勉
gathered 集まった
fatalities 死者


  1. Jim Usher

    Some countries have done alright with it to date but largely it hasn’t been handled particularly well worldwide. I’m concerned about this second wave I keep hearing about. I wonder how much worse things can get…