EY Y02 L04 Doctors

  1. How many years does it take in your country to become a doctor? How much does it cost?
  2. What personal qualities should a great doctor have?
  3. Tell us about a doctor you know personally (family member or friend). What kind of doctor are they? Do they enjoy being a doctor? Why?
  4. Tell us about either the best or worst experience you have ever had with a doctor.
  5. Doctors are paid well but they have long hours and have to study hard. Are you doctor? If so, are you glad you chose your profession and your specialization? If no, do you wish you had chosen to become a doctor when you were young? Why?
  6. Here are 10 types of doctor (you can look them up!); Surgeon, Psychiatrist, Oncologist, Radiologist, Anesthesiologist, GP (General Practitioner), Pediatrician, Neurologist, Emergency Physician, Pathologist. Which, if you had studied medicine, do you think you would have been either really good at or really bad at? Why?

Question 1

I think to be a doctor in New Zealand you need to study for 5 or 6 years and be supervised for another 2 years. I know that 5 years at university can be very expensive.

Question 2

I think a great doctor should be straight forward but also be willing to listen. I like a doctor to be quick but thorough when I see them for a consultation.

Question 3

I do not know anyone who is a medical doctor but I have some friends who have Phds in psychology.

Question 4

When I was a child, our local doctor was very nice and was always very accurate in her diagnosis. However, her time management was very poor and you usually had to wait up to an hour to see her as she spent too long chatting to patients.

Question 5

No, I do not regret not becoming a doctor. The job is too stressful and I do not want to do night shift work.

Question 6

I think, as I have a degree in psychology, being a psychiatrist would be along the same lines as what I have studied. I think I would be a terrible surgeon as I think my personality is not suited to it.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
thorough 完膚無きまで
consultation 相談
along the same lines 同然