EY Y02 L02 Presidents

  1. When we vote, we are looking for certain personal qualities in a leader that we think will benefit our nation. Name one. Do you have this quality? Why do you think that?
  2. Who is the President of The United States of America? How long has he or she been President? Who was their opponent when they were campaigning to be President? Why did they win?
  3. What do the general public in your country think of this person? Why?
  4. All Presidents generate controversy. Tell us one thing that this President has done that many people consider a misstep or a wrongdoing.
  5. Who is the premier right now in Japan? How are they different (or similar) to the current President of the United States?
  6. Who to date has been for you either the most inspiring or the most deplorable President of the United States of America? When were they President? Why do you think that?

Question 1

I am looking for someone who can remain cool, calm, and collected in times of pressure and stress. I do not want someone who flies off the handle as my country's leader. I think I am ok under pressure, but I do not have the type of stress that a prime minister or president must endure.

Question 2

Donald Trump is the president of The U.S.A, I think he became president in 2016 (?). He was campaigning against Hillary Clinton who is Bill Clinton's wife. In my opinion, he won because Hillary kept changing her opinion and policies while Trump remained pretty constant.

Question 3

In New Zealand, people were surprised that he won, but neither happy nor unhappy. I think people admire what he has achieved in his life, but at the same time, concerned about some of his personal beliefs.

Question 4

I think calling COVID-19 the "China Virus" was a BIG faux pas. It sounds like he is trying to get everyone to think that the COVID-19 virus is solely China's fault. I have seen no evidence that would prove that China deliberately infected it's own citizens and the rest of the world with this deadly virus.

Question 5

Abe Shinzo is Japan's current prime minister. I do not know much about him and his life. His personality is not as flamboyant as Trump's.

Question 6

For me the worst President of The U.S.A has been George W. Bush. He was not president material in my opinion due to his lack of intelligence and the poor way in which he spoke in public. I do not think that he legally won the election against Al Gore.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
cool, calm, and collected 構成された
flies off the handle あなたの気性を失う
endure 耐える
faux pas 失言
deliberately わざと
flamboyant 華やか


  1. Michael Kane

    I agree George W. Bush was pretty bad too. He couldn’t pronounce the word nuclear. He said “nucular” many times in public speeches as that was a hot topic at the time.