EY Y01 L34 Mums

  1. Tell us about a celebrity from your country who is famous for being a mum. Do you like that person? Why?
  2. It requires many strengths to be a good mum. Name one. Do you have that strength? Why?
  3. What is/was your mum's name? Is she still with us? If yes, how old is she and what does she do? If not, when did she pass? How old was she when she died?
  4. How would you describe your mother's personality? Was/Is she an easy person to get along with? Why?
  5. Tell us about a time when your mum helped you out when you were overwhelmed.
  6. What is the most important thing you have learned or attribute you have inherited from your mum?

Question 1

New Zealand is a small country, so it is difficult to think of a celebrity that is famous for being a mum. I think a great example is Angelina Jolie who is an American actress who has adopted many children from different parts of the world. I think adopting a child must be so difficult.

Question 2

I think not being too judgemental and letting children be themselves is a great strength that must be difficult, especially when your child is doing something wrong but you have to step back and let them do it so they can learn their lesson.

Question 3

My mother's name is Susan and she is retired. She used to work in an office.

Question 4

I would discribe my mother's personality as being strong. She could be a little difficult to get along with sometimes, especially if she was unhappy. She never forgets something bad that has been done to her and will take her revenge when the time is right.

Question 5

When I first broke my ankle when I was 9 years old, she was good at keeping me from freaking out. She helped me while I recovered but not too much. She said I had to still do some things by myself.

Question 6

I have learned to have a thick skin. Both of my parents are thick skinned and do not let many things worry them, especially if those things are not important.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
freaking out 怖がら
thick skin 神経の鈍い
judgemental 判断力のある
revenge 仕返し