EY Y01 L32 Routines

  1. What time do you get up in the morning during the week? What time do get up on your day(s) off?
  2. What is the first thing you do when you get up?
  3. What time do you go to bed? Do you have any trouble sleeping at night? If yes, what do you do to try to get to sleep? If no, what is your secret to a good night's sleep?
  4. Which, if any, meal(s) do you skip? Are you a healthy eater? What is your favorite meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner)? Why?
  5. What for you is the dullest time of the day OR what for you is the dullest day of the week?
  6. How do you find peace and calm in your daily or weekly routine?

Question 1

I usually get up some time between five o'clock and seven-thirty during the week. In the morning, of course. I know that's a pretty big window but some mornings I just cannot get out of bed. I sometimes stay in bed until eight o'clock on a Sunday but my wife won't let me do that too often.

Question 2

The first thing I do after getting up, after using the restroom, gargling, and splashing my face with water is to check the news alerts on my phone. Most days, it's the same old stuff – doom and gloom with a side of celebrity gossip, stuff that doesn't interest me much. However, if I don't try to keep up with current affairs, I feel out of touch.

Question 3

I go to bed when I'm tired. I used to go to bed between midnight and two in the morning. I can't do that anymore. Twelve-thirty is a late night for me. On a good night, I'm in bed by half past nine. I used to have trouble sleeping, about ten years or so ago. I couldn't shut my brain off and I'd just be thinking about everything. Now, I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow. I don't really know what the secret to a good night's sleep is – I don't think I've had a good night's sleep in three years. The secret to falling asleep quickly is to go to bed tired; the way to do that is to work hard during the day.

Question 4

I will skip any meal if I'm not hungry or I have an upset stomach. I'll even try fasting for a day every once in a while. I'm not a very healthy eater really. I eat salad for lunch all the time but the good that does me is offset by all the garbage I eat after I finish work. I don't have a favourite meal per se but I do like a good full breakfast – toast, bacon, sausages, eggs, fried onion and tomato, pancakes with maple syrup and ice cream, coffee, orange juice. The few times I've stayed in a hotel with a buffet breakfast, I definitely got my money's worth!

Question 5

I don't have one. My work days are full and the day is over pretty much as soon as it's begun. I prefer that to clock watching. Sundays I spend with my family, Mondays are for me, and I enjoy every hour of both those days. I can't imagine there ever being a dull moment in my life. There's always so much to do. I can understand someone else thinking my life is dull – it often doesn't make for a good story – but it keeps me occupied and entertained!

Question 6

I often take walks, during the day or at night, just myself and my podcasts. I find it very relaxing.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
a pretty big window 広い範囲
gargle うがい
doom and gloom 悪いニュース
keep up with にとどまる
out of touch 非接触
before my head hits the pillow 寝た直後
every once in a while たまに
per se それ自体
over as soon as it's begun すぐに終わった
clock watching 時計を見る
doesn't make for a good story つまらなそう