EY Y01 L24 Cars

  1. Can you drive? If yes, when did you get your license? How was learning to drive for you? How often do drive now? Why? If no, why not?
  2. How many cars are there in your family, what are they, and who drives them?
  3. Of all the cars your family has owned, leased or rented, which has been the best? Why?
  4. Which as been the worst? Why?
  5. If you had to buy a new car tomorrow what car or what kind of car would you buy? Why?
  6. In the future, will car ownership become a thing of the past? Are you looking forward to the day that you no longer need to own a car? Why or why not?

Question 1

I can drive although I have not driven for over 10 years. My mother taught me how to drive and she was an ok teacher, but my friends taught me a lot about car maintenance. I do not have a Japanese driver's licence and my New Zealand one has expired.

Question 2

There is only one car in my family in Japan and my wife is the only person who can legally drive it.

Question 3

My mother is a big fan of Mitsubishi goods. She has a Mitsubishi fridge, washing machine, television and car. Her current car is a new model but the first Mitsubishi she got lasted many years and without a problem. She had it for about 22 or so years and there was never any problems. It was a 1991 Mitsubishi Lancer.

Question 4

This is not a car, but my father likes motorbikes. He had a big Suzuki bike, it looked like those racing ones and it was so noisy. I didn't like it.

Question 5

Buying a car for living in Japan is tricky, but I would like a safe, low maintenance car that isn't too small nor too big. One that is good for the environment would be an added bonus.

Question 6

My wife was complaining that the "car tax" is expensive. Not having to pay that would be good. I think in our situation we need a car as we live in the countryside and we have a baby now.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
legally 合法的に
tricky 狡い
maintenance 維持
expired 期限切れ


  1. Jim Usher

    My Aussie license has expired too. When I first got it, I paid the extra money to get a ten-year license, then after about two years I came to Japan and never went back. What a worthwhile investment that was.