EY Y01 L10 Happenstance

  1. When was the last time you bumped into someone from your past? Who were they and how and when did you first know them? Where were you when you bumped into them? What were you doing? Did you talk to that person? If yes, about what? If no, why not?
  2. Are you married or in a relationship? If yes, how did you meet your partner? Who approached who? What did you say? If you are not married or not in a relationship, tell us about how you started a new friendship (either recently or as a child)?
  3. Tell us about a time when you saw a famous person? What happened? If you have never seen a famous person, who would you most like to share an elevator with? Why? Would you have the courage to say anything? What would you say?
  4. Are you are student or do you have a job? If you are a student, what do you study? If you have or have had a job, what do/did you do? If you are a student, how did you find your college/school/course? If you are/were in a job, how did you find it? Are you glad you took that job or chose that school? Why?
  5. Tell us about a small coincidence, happening or happenstance that has changed your life in unexpected ways (other than meeting your partner, choosing your college or finding your old or current job).
  6. Do you believe in fate? Why?

Question 1

The last time that I bumped into someone was when I went back to my home town in 2016. I was at a bar and I bumped into some of my ex-rugby teammates. We played together at high school and development teams. We had a long chat and I realised that they had not changed since we were in our teens whilst I also realised that I had changed a lot and I was a different person to who they knew.

Question 2

I am married and I met my wife at a mutual friend`s birthday party. She was very shy but friendly. As it was a small party, it was easy to mix and mingle with everyone so I do not remember who spoke to who first nor what was said.

Question 3

While I was at high school I played with three players who would become All Blacks. They were just normal teenagers at the time. Two of them were really good players but the third was an average player but he worked hard and improved his game a lot.

Question 4

As everyone knows I work at EP and I love my job. But maybe you didn`t know that when I first went to university I got a summer job as Ruben The Road Safety Bear. The job was that I went to elementary schools with road safety staff where they spoke to children about road safety and dangers. My job was to dance around and be happy. I hated that job because the suit was so hot and smelly. Working as a teacher at EP is much better.

Question 5

My son`s birthday is February 23rd. This is the new emperor`s birthday so he will get a day off on his birthday - lucky boy.

Question 6

No, I do not believe that my life is mapped out by fate. I believe in personal choice and things happen as a result of those choices. Meeting my wife was not fate, it was the result of my decision to attend my friend`s birthday party.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
mutual 同士
mingle 混ざる
mapped out 済み
