EY Y01 L08 Reading

  1. What is the title of the last book you finished? What was the name of the author? When did you finish it? How long did it take to read?
  2. Was it good? Why?
  3. What was it about?
  4. Why did you choose it?
  5. Are you a voracious reader? If yes, how many books a year do you finish? What kind of books do you like to read? Why? Please recommend a book to the group. If no, how many books do you read a year? Why don't you enjoy books? Do you read newspapers or comics instead?
  6. Reading Graded Readers (special fiction and non-fiction books written or re-written for second language learners to enjoy) can improve your English faster than English lessons. Do you regularly borrow books from the Reading Tree? If yes, tell us about your success and failures using the Reading Tree. If no, you must be crazy, why not!!?

Question 1

"Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Seuss I finished it yesterday. I read it to my son. It's a very short children's book.

Question 2

It's a wonderful children's book. It's very nostalgic for me, as my mother always read Dr. Seuss books to me.

Question 3

It's about a character who is trying to get another character to try Green Eggs and Ham. Dr. Seuss books are written in rhymes format so they have a nice flow. The one character refuses to try Green Eggs and Ham.

Question 4

I will always choose to read Dr. Seuss books to my children.

Question 5

I enjoy reading very much, but lately I haven't had any time for recreational reading. I like Hiroki Murakami. i enjoy his style of writing. I usually read non-fiction. I really enjoy books about history, travel, and biographies. In Japan it's difficult for me to find books in English at the library. So, I bought an Amazon Kindle and read ebooks.

Question 6

I have borrowed some Japanese children's books from the Reading Tree to read to my children. They are all Hiragana so it's ok for me to read.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
nostalgic 懐かしい
recreational レクリエーション
