EY Y01 L05 Scandal

  1. Tell me about a family member, colleague, friend, friend of a friend or neighbour who you think gossips too much. Please don't use their real name (e.g. "I have a colleague, let's call him 'Dave'").
  2. Have you ever bought or read a "shukanshi" (weekly gossip) magazine or tabloid newspaper? If yes, what did you think? If no, why not?
  3. Do you ever watch gossip ("wide show") programs on TV? Why or Why not?
  4. The media often exposes affairs involving pop stars, actors, actresses, politicians or sports personalities. Tell me about an affair that shocked Japan - who was it between? What happened? Were you shocked? Why?
  5. Often politicians, leaders and personalities have to make public apologies for things they have done wrong. Please think of a public apology that you have seen on TV. Who was apologising? What had they done? Do you think they were forgiven? Why or why not?
  6. Tell me about a famous personality who you think has been treated unfairly by the media in your country.

Question 1

I don't really know anyone who fits the bill. This may be a bit stereotypical but I think women are more likely to gossip than men. Most of my friends are men, my wife doesn't gossip, and neither do my mother or my sister. I'm not sure about my daughter but what would a three-year-old have to gossip about?

Question 2

I've bought plenty of them but I don't think I've ever really read one. A lot of the "trashy" magazines in Australia are full of crossword puzzles and brainteasers, with prizes for whoever can complete them. My mum used to buy them in the hopes of winning one of the contests. We never did win anything. I just liked doing the puzzles.

Question 3

No, I don't. Those type of shows hold no interest for me. To be honest though, I find most of what they show on TV these days to be not to my tastes.

Question 4

I don't watch gossip TV shows. I don't read gossip magazines or newspapers. Even after fifteen years in the country, I'm largely unfamiliar with Japanese celebrities. Given all of this, I have no idea about any shocking affairs, secret marriage proposals, or surprise pregnancies. Don't ask me about sports either.

Question 5

I'm not sure of the politician's name but this happened about two years ago, about mid-2017 I think. He was a young guy who had been caught doing something wrong and had to make a public apology on television. He cried and screamed like a baby to his mother about how sorry he was. It was both obviously fake and completely ridiculous. I wonder where he is now...

Question 6

In Australia? No one comes to mind. Although I have to say, the way the media hound celebrities in the hopes of catching them at a weak moment is disgraceful. I guess this is true the world over.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
fit the bill 相応しい
stereotypical ステレオタイプ
"trashy" magazine 週刊誌
brainteaser 頭を使うパズル
not to my tastes 私の好みではない
given all of this に照らして
marriage proposal 結婚の申し込み
ridiculous ばかげている
come to mind 思い当たる
hound 容赦なくフォローする
a weak moment 弱い瞬間
disgraceful 不名誉な
the world over 世界中で


  1. Michael Kane

    I really enjoy crossword puzzles too. I used to buy the New York Times every day just for the crossword. Monday was very easy, as the week progressed it becomes more difficult, by Saturday it’s almost impossible to finish.