EY Y01 L02 Death

  1. What is the name of the oldest person you know? How old are they?
  2. Tell me about them; what they did in the past, and what they do now.
  3. What is the life expectancy of men and what is the life expectancy of women in your country?
  4. Do you think you will live long? Why?
  5. Many people in life have a 'bucket list', a list of things they would like to have seen, done or achieved before they leave this earth. Tell me one thing that would be high on your 'bucket list'?
  6. Do you fear death? Why?

Question 1

The oldest person I know is my father, Andrew. He is 92 years old.

Question 2

My father was a ship captain before he married my mother. He travelled around the world on large cargo ships. After he and my mother got married, he moved to Canada and worked for a large chain of department stores. Now he is retired.

Question 3

In Canada, men have a life expectancy of 80.2 years and women have an average life expectancy of 84.1 years.

Question 4

I hope I will live a long time. However, I am overweight and I enjoy eating and drinking, all of which might reduce my life expectancy. On the other hand I don't smoke, I enjoy exercising, and I eat fruit and vegetables.

Question 5

The top item on my bucket list is to be present at the wedding of my older daughter, Aika. The number two item on my bucket list is to be present at the wedding of my younger daughter, Maia. I love my daughters very much, and I think that their wedding days will be very special days for me.

Question 6

I do not really fear death, but I do very much love life. I enjoy almost every day and there are many small pleasures in life that make me very happy. I will be sad to let those pleasures go. For example, it is very nice to hold a cup of hot coffee, to feel the heat, to smell the coffee, and to taste the coffee. Once I am dead, I will no longer be able to enjoy those things, as far as I know. I don't fear that, but it makes me a little sad to think about it.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
cargo ship 貨物船
