EY Y01 L01 English-Please!

Student Questions.

  1. How long have you been a student at English-Please!?
  2. What course were you on last year? How was it? Why?
  3. How did you find English-Please!?
  4. Why did you decide to join this school?
  5. Why are you learning English?
  6. You are now an intermediate student. What advice would you give to an adults student who was just starting out with English classes?

Special Questions for Teachers only.

  1. How long have you been an employee at English-Please!?
  2. What, who & where were you teaching last year? How was it? Why?
  3. How did you find English-Please!?
  4. Why did you decide to join this school?
  5. Do you learn Japanese at all? If yes, how? How is it going? If no, why not?
  6. Being a highly proficient language teacher, what advice would you give to a someone who was just starting out as a English language teacher in Japan?

Question 1

I am a new staff member at English Please. My first official day at work was Tuesday, 2 April, 2019. However, I had been receiving training during March.

Question 2

Last year I was teaching adults at an eikaiwa in Osaka. I enjoyed teaching adults but going to Osaka from Nara was draining as the train journey was very long.

Question 3

Michael was working here when a position became available and he suggested that I apply to work here.

Question 4

I decided to join English Please because it is close to my home. I also like the teaching philosophy and the fact that EP makes it's own material.

Question 5

I try to study Japanese through an app called Duolingo. I have learned a lot of kanji and new vocabulary but my speaking has not improved much.

Question 6

If I had to give advice to someone starting out it would be - BE PREPARED. Make sure you know what you are teaching and how you will transition from one part of the lesson to the other smoothly. I also think that if you do not know the answer to a question, that is ok, just say you are not sure and get back to the person with the correct answer next time you see them.

Tough Vocabulary

- English - - Japanese -
draining 脱力 (だつりょく)
suggest 申し入れる
philosophy 教育哲学 (きょういくてつがく)
transition 移行 (いこう)
smoothly 滞りなく (とどこお)


  1. Gordi Whitelaw

    Jon, I absolutely agree that it is OK for a teacher to admit that they do not know the answer to a question. We should never lie to our students or pretend to know more than we do. If I don’t know the answer to a question, I will often tell the student ‘I will look that up and we can talk about it next week.’