EY Y04 L40 Emergency Responders

This week’s Questions

  1. Emergency responders, such as police officers, firefighters and paramedics, perform a number of invaluable services to the community. Describe one.
  2. Which of the emergency services (ambulance, fire, police) in Japan is a good job to have? Which is not? Why?
  3. Would you make a good police officer, firefighter or paramedic? Why do you think so?
  4. When was the last time you, a friend or a family member needed to dial 110 or 119? What happened?
  5. Many people in Japan volunteer to help local services such as the fire department or social welfare services. Have you ever volunteered? If yes, tell us about it. If no, which local group would you consider joining or supporting? Why?
  6. Does Japan have more natural disasters than other countries? Tell us about one type of disaster that often occurs in Japan. Does Japan have a good system for emergency response? Why do you think so?

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