EY Y04 L39 Christmas

This week’s Questions

  1. There are many annual Christmas traditions that people observe, such as singing carols and exchanging Christmas cards. Name one. Do you observe this tradition?
  2. Is Christmas widely celebrated in Japan? How is it different to other countries?
  3. What do you look forward to during the Christmas and Oshougatsu period?
  4. Tell me about a strange custom or tradition observed at Christmas time in another country. You may have to use the internet to help you with this. Is this something you would like to participate in if you had the chance?
  5. Choose a person from the following list: a child that you are related to, a member of your family the same age as you, an older member of the family, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a close personal friend or someone you work in the same office with. What do you think would be the perfect Christmas gift for this person?
  6. Have you ever received or given a birthday or Christmas present that was really bad? What happened?

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