EY Y04 L16 Openness and Intimacy

This week’s Questions

  1. Do you think it is easier or more difficult for Japanese people to make connections with other people compared to other countries? Give an example.
  2. What is Japanese society’s attitude towards public displays of affection, such as kissing, hugging or holding hands, compared to other countries? Is this attitude too conservative? Why?
  3. Are you more or less open in your feelings compared to other members of your family or your friends? Give an example. Why do you think that is?
  4. Tell us about someone who you feel close to who is not a family member. How did you get to know one another?
  5. Do you find some Japanese values overbearing or restrictive? Give an example of a social norm that you find frustrating.
  6. Is Japan becoming a place that is more tolerant, open and diverse compared to the past? Give an example or examples.

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