EY Y03 L42 Students
This week’s Questions

- Did you enjoy yourself in junior and senior high school or did you find it to be a stressful time? Why? (Note: If you are still in school, are you enjoying it or are you under too much stress?)
- Which subjects did you really like and which didn’t you like? Why? (Note: If you are still in school, which subjects do you enjoy and which do you hate?)
- Did you or do you have to wear a uniform to school? If so, what did yours look like? Do you think students should have to wear a uniform to school?
- Tell us about a time when you did something bad or kind of naughty at school. Did you get away with it or did you get in trouble? If you never did anything like that in school, tell us about a classmate who did something that was against the rules.
- When students have behaved badly, how were they or are they punished at your school?
- Do you think that students today have it easier than those of their parents’ and grandparents’ generation? Why?
This week’s Responses
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